PinnedTimeboxing with IntentionsPracticing timeboxing with intentions can help you live more mindful and present in all areas of your life.Mar 6Mar 6
Reusable Turbo-iOS Project Configured Entirely From Your Rails AppWhat?! Turbo-iOS app driven entirely from backend Rails app including app colors, navbar buttons, tabbar tabs?!Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
Git Aliases Are Like SuperpowersUsing Git Aliases can make you feel like you have superpowers!Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
GitHub Action to Attach Commits and Pull Requests to Trello CardsGitHub Action to attach GitHub commits and pull requests to a Trello card simply by including the card number in your commit message.Apr 27, 20212Apr 27, 20212
Using Tables In Quill.js With Rails and StimulusThis Stimulus controller will let you easily integrate Quill.js into your Rails project, including adding some missing table functionality.Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
Using CanCanCan With StimulusReflex In Your Rails AppIf you are using CanCanCan and StimulusReflex, these strategies will help you check user abilities in your reflexes.Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
Lazy Load CanCanCan Abilities In RailsThis Rails strategy lets you lazy load your CanCanCan abilities so you only load them when needed helping improve overall performance.Mar 17, 2021Mar 17, 2021
Lazy Load Form Fields In Rails With HTMXHTMX is small powerful library that lets you trigger HTTP AJAX requests simply by adding attributes to your HTML tags.Mar 13, 20211Mar 13, 20211
Lazy Load Form Fields In Rails Using StimulusReflexThis pattern can help lazy load form fields in Rails using Stimulus and StimulusReflex.Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Rails Pattern For Including Nested Resources In API ResponsesThis Rails pattern provides a flexible way to efficiently include nested resources in API responses simply by passing a flag as a…Mar 2, 20211Mar 2, 20211